Growing up can be hard! You have to pay bills, work a full time job or maybe your a working mom or a stay at home mom. Whatever it is. YOU’RE NOT ALONE!
After I had Evie and became a mom is when I realized that man, this adulting isn’t all it seemed to be when I was a young girl. All I wanted when I was little was to be old. Now I look back and think “what I would do to be 14 again”. I say 14 because that was my very favorite age. I was old enough to hang out with friends and feel a little freedom, but I wasn’t old enough to drive and pay bills. I thought life was so hard then. Now I look back and I just loved those days.
When Evie was about 4 months old I was struggling. I lost who I was. I didn’t know how to be happy anymore. Heck I couldn’t even remember what I used to do before I became pregnant and a mom. If you are a parent I’m sure you can relate.
It was a really weird time and I’ve worked really had for 6 years to try and figure out who I was before motherhood. Things I want to bring back and do again also a few things Im ok with leaving in the past. I came up with 5 things that truly make me happy, young, wild, carefree and just the me that I strive to be everyday!
Music ♬ This one is huge for me! Listening to music makes me feel young and free… when is blasting! You know what that means. You have to sing at the top of your lungs. This is something I completely forgot about. All I was worried about was keeping quiet so little Evie girl would sleep longer. But music just makes my soul happy!
Roller Coasters❤If you want to feel like a little kid and forget about all those bills and everyday stresses. Take this advice! Go on a roller coast and LAUGH! I hadn’t been on a roller coaster in years because I felt like my body was all out of wack… until one day I was at a carnival and decided to go on the space ship ride and it was one of my best descions that summer! I laughed so hard and it felt GOOD!
Stay up late☾Here is one that is so needed. Find a friend or two and talk about old times. The later it gets the more things are funny! I absolutely love this! Just for one night. You will be shocked to see how this will lift your spirit.
Be creative ❀This one might not be for everyone. Creating things is something that is so satisfying. I have always been so crafty. I grew up with a mom that loved to scap book and a neighbor that knitted and crocheted. I don’t have to those things to feel creative just something along those lines. You get wrapped up in creating you forget about all the other worries in life.
Sun☀Basically anything under the sun works for me! But mainly laying out at the pool. Vitamin D will work wonders! Even just getting in your car and rolling the windows down will do the job. You should feel lighter and more happy.
If you haven’t caught on yet. Laughing can heal your soul. It will help you feel young and free. Don’t lose yourself is this messy life. Doing simple things like this can help remind you of how it feels to be young and carefree. I know I can’t be the only want missing my younger years. So I’m going to try and bring them back!