One day things just started to make sense. This question popped into me head. “If I don’t choose me who else will.” I am the one teaching everyone to love me last because I am the first one to put myself last! As frustrating as this was. It was also so amazing because for once in my life I was able to see why putting myself first benefits everyone around me. My self included.
When you take care of you first, you then have the energy to start taking care of others. Ok, let me make this clear! If you’re in a burning building I don’t mean you run out with the peace sign and hope your family gets out safe. What I mean is. You have to make sure YOU are able to care for yourself FIRST because if you can’t get your own self out of that burning building how are you ever going to be able to get your little ones out safe. YOU CANT!!! I’ve spent the last year learning about myself and I have to share of these life changing techniques I’ve learned. Here are a few simple steps to taking care of YOU first!
1. Self talk is pretty much why we believe what we believe! So flip it. Instead of always saying ” I can’t, Im not good enough or i’ll never be able to do that.” start telling yourself YOU CAN! YOU WILL! It sounds so cliche but this was the first step in my personal growth and it slowly started to change my beliefs about myself.
2. Talk to yourself in your head the exact same way you do/ would talk to your child. Come down to her level. Close your eyes. Imagine you as your adult self holding your adolesent selfs hands. Almost kneeling down to be at her level. Imagine looking at her in the eyes. See her for who SHE IS! Not how you think everyone else see’s her. For once stop looking at everything she’s not and see her for everything she IS! Talk to that little girl. Ask her why she is sad. Ask her why her feelings are hurt. Comfort her. Don’t even think about judging her. LISTEN to her. Let her insecurities be heard and felt. LOVE HER! She needs your love most of all and i’m betting you something right now. You probably haven’t loved her the way she needed you to for along time. Maybe you haven’t ever loved her that way at all.
3. Stop second guessing your self. Stop letting the opinions of everyone else define who you are. You were created here on this earth to make a difference. You need to stop letting everyone else shape you. You need to take responsibly and shape your self the exact way you were born to be! Only you can do that. Sure, your loved ones can help mold you into that girl. But at the end of the day the girl you are supposed to be falls 100% on you. So own that beautiful creation! Gracefully fall into her starting now! Don’t question your gifts any more. Trust me, the world will keep going around if you don’t do exactly what you think everyone is expecting you to do.
There are SO many things to learn about ourself. But I strongly believe that it all begins here. Learning to love ourself. Because if we don’t have love for the one person we can never leave. You will never be truly happy. Your best friends should be you from here on out.