One day I woke up and just like that it all made sense.
Its ok to be me! It’s ok to love myself and to be different. If someone doesn’t like who I am or what I have to offer that’s none of my business.
This is MY LIFE! It is my choice to live everyday hoping to fit in. Or I can choose to be me and stand out like I was always meant to do.
If I could tell my friends one piece of advice it would be this.
Live life with good intentions. When your doing anything, ask yourself what are my intentions. Give yourself an honest answer. If your intentions have anything to do with anyone else. Don’t do it.
We waste to much time worrying about what others think of us. If they understand us. If we made so and so happy. This has to stop! We are giving so much power to others. The truth is. We have all the power we need right inside of us. If we learn to trust that then we can conquer anything!