Hey guys! So I made a video on how to make this DIY Ring Light it’s a short video that you really don’t want to miss! If you have ever wanted a ring light but haven’t wanted to make the plunge to buy it, here is a great alternative! The items I bought were all together less than $25! You really can’t beat that. Especially when these retail around $250-$300+.

There are just a few things I wanted to add that I couldn’t really fit in my video. First off, this looks ALOT easier than it really is! Making sure the lights are all even took about 15-20 minutes and it was a lot of manipulating the lights to get them just right and I still messed it up twice! That’s why in the video the plug is WRONG! Make sure to check what end goes into the actual outlet plug and the other side is a connector piece. You want the outlet side to be the longer piece. Mine is the other way around OOPS! But I wanted to post that instead of making it look like this is a piece of cake. I mean it definitely could be harder to make but you kind of learn as you go. I think I might take it all apart and start over so I get it all right (where are all my perfectionist at!). The great thing is, no one will see the DIY light but me! Second, I would get more zip ties then you think. I got a 20 count and I ran out. This could be just my luck ( I usually mess things up before I get it right). Also the ring light does do a little lean when it’s on the stand but that’s just what you get when you make something at home! Last thing, make sure you get the DAYLIGHT lighting. if you get soft white, yellow or blue you would get the same effect at the daylight. Good luck Beauties! 

Well I hope that this post and video was helpful! Thanks for reading and supporting me! I love you all!

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