All I can say is… having a child has forced me to get out of my comfort zone one to many times. I love my comfort zone! It’s my happy place. It’s comfy in there guys and I hate leaving it!
Now that Evie is in school it’s been really forcing me to get out of my comfy place and go be social (beside when I work) with other moms. Let me tell you. Mamas not really into… I’m not even going to pretend I am! Haha! But if there is one good thing that comes from, it’s seeing Evie’s sweet happy face when I get to her school and she finally see’s me. She is SO proud to introduce me to her friends. Oh and now I’m known as “Evie’s Mom” and I’m not even mad about it. I know these moments won’t last forever. She won’t always want me to be there every chance she gets. She might not even be that proud to call me her mom. So for now I will suck it up and get comfy.